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40 Interesting Skunks Facts

Skunks are mammals and well known for releasing a powerful smell through their anal glands that will remind you for sure that they are around. Learn more about Skunks in the interesting list of Skunks Facts.

1. Skunks belong to a family of Mephitidae.

2. Skunks are omnivores.

3. Skunks reach 8 to 19 inches in size and weigh up to 14 pounds.

Skunks reach 8 to 19 inches in size and weigh up to 14 pounds.
Source: Media Source

4. Skunks like to eat fruits, insects, worms, and rodents.

5. The two glands near their anus produce their smelly substance.

6. Skunks worst enemies are coyotes and owls.

Skunks worst enemies are coyotes and owls.
Source: Media Source

7. A male skunk is called a buck.

8. A female Skunk is called a doe.

9. A baby skunk is called a kit.

Baby skunk is called kit.
Source: Media Source

10. Skunks have poor eyesight.

11. Skunks have an excellent sense of smell and hearing.

12. Skunks can run only 10 miles per hour.

Skunks can run only 10 miles per hour.
Source: Media Source

13. Males get in touch with more females, during mating season.

14. Pregnancy lasts between 7 and 10 weeks.

15. A doe gives birth to 2-10 babies.

Female gives birth to 2-10 babies.
Source: Media Source

16. Skunks can transmit rabies.

17. Skunks live up to 3 years in the wild.

18. Skunks have glands on their bottom.

Source: <a href="">Media Source</a>
Source: Media Source

19. Skunks have two anal glands.

20. Snake bites does not kill Skunks.

21. Skunks are not aggressive toward humans.

Skunks are not aggressive toward humans.
Source: Media Source

22. Skunks live in hollow logs or even abandoned buildings.

23. The striped skunk is about the size of a house cat, reaching a length of 25 to 32 inches and weighing between three and fourteen pounds.

24. Skunks produce musk, a yellow oily foam that has a bad smell.

The musk is a yellow oily foam.
Source: Media Source

25. The most common Skunk’s fur color is black and white.

26. Skunks are also known as polecats.

27. Skunk’s predators are wolves, foxes, and badgers.

Skunk’s predators are wolves, foxes and badgers.
Source: Media Source

28. Kits are blind when born.

29. Skunks actually use their spray as a last alternative when they feel they have exhausted all of their other defense mechanisms.

30. A group of skunks is called a surfeit.

A group of skunks is called a surfeit.
Source: Media Source

31. Skunks attack beehives and eat honey bees.

32. Skunks search for food at night.

33. There are 3 types are Hog-Nosed Skunk, Striped Skunks, and the Spotted Skunk.

There are 3 types are Hog-Nosed Skunk, Striped Skunks, and the Spotted Skunk.
Source: Media Source

34. Skunks do not have a white stripe on their face.

35. Spotted skunks can climb trees.

36. Skunks live mainly in North, Central and South America.

Skunks live mainly in North, Central and South America.
Source: Media Source

37. The Stink Badger Skunk lives in Philippines and Indonesia.

38. The most common type of skunk in the U.S is the Striped Skunk.

39. Skunks are known for spraying a foul smell when they feel threatened.

Skunks are know for spraying a foul smell when they feel threatened.
Source: Media Source

40. The skunk’s spray is a mixture of sulfur-containing chemicals such as thiols, which have an offensive odor.

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