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March 27, 2019

40 Interesting & Unknown Jupiter Facts

Are you a space lover? Even if you’re not, there are some things out there in the universe that are sure to capture your interest. One of those things is the planet, Jupiter. Over centuries, several discoveries about this giant planet kept surprising the scientists all over the world. Read more interesting Jupiter facts on this list.

1. Jupiter is the Kings of the gods in Roman Mythology.

2. Greeks also named the planet after their god Zeus.

3. Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System.
Source: Media Source

4. Jupiter was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei.

5. The Mesopotamians called Jupiter “Marduk” and claimed it as the patron of the city of Babylonian.

6. Jupiter is capable of holding 1300 Piles of the Earth in it.

Jupiter is capable of holding 1300 Piles of the earth in it.
Source: Media Source

7. Jupiter’s atmosphere is very similar to the Sun.

8. The atmosphere of Jupiter is made up of mostly helium and hydrogen.

9. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the Solar System.

Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in Solar System.
Source: Media Source

10. Jupiter’s core is massive and dense.

11. Winds around the Great Red Spot’s oval edges at Jupiter can reach up to 680 km/h.

12. Jupiter completes one rotation around its axis in just under 10 hours.

Jupiter completes one rotation around its axis in just under 10 hours.
Source: Media Source

13. The magnetic field of Jupiter is 20,000 times stronger to that Earth

14. The radiations from this belt are 1000 times stronger than the lethal dose of radiation for humans.

15. The mass of the core of Jupiter is 10 times the mass of our Earth.

The mass of the core of Jupiter is 10 times the mass of our Earth.
Source: Media Source

16. Strong radio waves are emitted by Jupiter and can be easily detected from Earth.

17. Jupiter has colored bands. These are visible in form of light zones and dark belts.

18. Blue clouds can be seen at the deepest visible levels of Jupiter’s atmosphere.

Blue clouds can be seen at the deepest visible levels of Jupiter’s atmosphere.
Source: Media Source

19. The Great Red Spot actually changes colors quite often. The color can vary from brick red to slightly brown.

20. The atmospheric pressure of Jupiter is 1000 times greater than that on Earth.

21. The Great Red Spot is the most extraordinary feature of Jupiter.

The Great Red Spot is the most extraordinary feature of Jupiter.
Source: Media Source

22. The equatorial and the polar diameters of the planet are 142,984 km and 133,709 km.

23. The total numbers of recorded moons of Jupiter are 67.

24. The average distance of Jupiter from the Sun is 778,412,020 km or 483,682,810 miles.

The average distance of Jupiter from Sun is 778,412,020 km or 483,682,810 miles.
Source: Media Source

25. Jupiter’s largest moon is the Ganymede which is also the largest moon in the entire Solar System.

26. Europa, the other large moon of Jupiter, is another interesting celestial body.

27. Scientists also believe that Callisto and Ganymede may also have icy oceans hidden beneath their crusts.

Scientists also believe that Callisto and Ganymede may also have icy oceans hidden beneath their crusts.
Source: Media Source

28. Callisto’s surface is probably made of colorless dark rocks.

29. The innermost ring is known as the halo with a thickness of nearly 20,000 km or 12,000 miles.

30. Jupiter has rings just like Saturn. Three to be exact.

Jupiter has rings just like Saturn. Even interesting is the fact that there are actually three rings!
Source: Media Source

31. For every one revolution of Jupiter around the Sun, the Earth completes 11.86 revolutions.

32. Jupiter spins faster than any other planet at over 47,000 km per hour.

33. The center of Jupiter is nearly 40,000 degrees Celsius, which is hotter than the Sun‘s surface.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System
Source: Media Source

34. Jupiter was also known as Jove.

35. The force of gravity on Jupiter is more than twice as strong as it is on Earth.

36. It takes Jupiter 12 years to revolve around the Sun.

It takes Jupiter 12 years to revolve around the Sun.
Source: Media Source

37. Clouds on Jupiter are not similar clouds as on Earth. On Jupiter, clouds speed around the planet at up to 644 km per hour.

38. Jupiter closely resembles a star: it is consisting of mostly helium and hydrogen.

39. Jupiter does not have a solid surface, which means that a person would just sink deeper and deeper into the planet.

Jupiter does not have a solid surface, which means that a person would just sink deeper and deeper into the planet.
Source: Media Source

40. One of Jupiter’s moons, Io, has the most active volcanos of any object in our solar system.

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