Regarded as one of the most prominent scientists of all time, Isaac Newton’s contributions to the field of physics were unparalleled. Find more his life and accomplishments on this list of Isaac Newton Facts.
1. Isaac Newton is considered as one of the most important and greatest scientists of all time.
2. Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643, in Woolsthorpe, England.
3. The full name of Isaac Newton is Sir Isaac Newton.
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4. Isaac Newton actually studied for a degree in law.
5. Isaac Newton suffered two nervous breakdowns.
6. Isaac Newton is well known in the scientific community through his refractive telescope.
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7. Isaac Newton discovered the theory of Gravity after watching an apple fall in the orchard.
8. Newton was interested in the new wave of philosophy becoming known in the Western world.
9. Newton researched a wide range of subjects including Alchemy, Mathematics, Optics, and Astronomy.
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10. Isaac Newton was elected as Member of Parliament for the University in 1700.
11. In 1696, Issac Newton was appointed warden of the Royal Mint.
12. Isaac Newton’s book – Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica has been called the single most influential book on Physics.
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13. One of the most famous quotes by Isaac Newton was “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
14. Isaac Newton’s father, who was a farmer, died three months before Newton was born.
15. He wrote an article on textual criticism of the Bible.
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16. The mother of Isaac Newton wanted him to be a farmer but Newton disliked farming.
17. He attended The King’s School in Grantham from 12 to 17 years old.
18. Newton worked on the effects and characteristics of bodies in motion, diffraction of light, universal gravitation, centrifugal force and centripetal force.
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19. Issac Newton did not like criticism and made lifelong enemies with those who criticized him.
20. In 1728, Newton’s The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms was posthumously published in London.
21. Isaac Newton played an important role in improving Britain from financial crises in the 17th century.
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22. Isaac Newton never married and there are no records of him having sex.
23. Newton expected that the world would end no earlier than 2060.
24. The tooth of Isaac Newton was sold in 1816 at an auction for approx. $3600 dollars.
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25. His fathers name was also Isaac Newton.
26. One of Isaac Newton famous quotes include: “Plato is my friend – Aristotle is my friend – but my greatest friend is the truth.”
27. Newton published Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687.
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28. Newton treated the Bible as a complex cryptogram coded in symbols and mathematics.
29. The tree where Isaac Newton discovered gravity is still alive.
30. Isaac Newton once tried looking at the sun in a mirror, essentially blinding himself for three days.
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31. Newton trapped a needle in his eye, placing force on the eyeball, to study the human eye as a lens and how it perceives color.
32. He wrote more on religion than he did on Natural Science.
33. Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy of Newton controlled his three laws of motion and the theory of gravitation.
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34. Voltaire, a French writer, was the first to record the story for his theory of gravitation.
35. The first flight to the Moon was possible only because of Newton’s profound discoveries about the movement of planets and the speed of light.
36. Newton invented the speed of sound and empirical laws of cooling.
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37. Newton was promoted to master of the Mint in 1699.
38. Newton said that the motion of objects on Earth could be described by the same principles.
39. Newton first proved the prism phenomenon, in which a beam of light becomes parted into its component colors through a glass prism in 1665.
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40. Newton died on March 31, 1727, in London, England.