Causing 1 out of 5 death in the U.S. alone, smoking is one of the most deadly things that can be prevented. Learn more horrible smoking facts including the history of smoking, statistics, and much more. If you still smoke, please stop.
1. Smoking was invented by Brazilians and the first cigarette was made by rolling tobacco leaves in the paper.
2. A cigarette contains 4,800 chemicals which lead to cause cancer.
3. Near about 15 billion cigarettes are consumed every day in the world.
Source: Media Source
4. Every year, approximately 1500 kids die by fires caused by cigarettes.
5. Smoking causes 30% of cancer deaths in Canada.
6. Each day more than 3,200 teens smoke their first cigarette in America.
Source: Media Source
7. A smoker loses 14 years of their life only because of regular smoking.
8. According to WHO (World Health Organization), there are approximately 120 million smokers in India.
9. There is 20% of sugar in a cigarette, which leads to diabetes.
Source: Media Source
10. Smoking slows down the growth of the lungs.
11. 69 percent of smokers really want to quit smoking completely.
12. Secondhand smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, including 70 cancer-causing chemicals.
Source: Media Source
13. Urea is used to add flavor to cigarettes.
14. One day breathing in Mumbai, India is equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes.
15. Nicotine travel to the brain within 10 seconds after smoke is inhaled. It can be found in every part of the body as well as in breast milk.
Source: Media Source
16. Smoking is totally illegal in Bhutan, South Asia.
17. In the world, Utah has the lowest rate of smokers.
18. Bad habits do not go quickly, Cigarette contains nicotine, an addictive drug that makes it difficult to stop smoking.
Source: Media Source
19. Ardi Rizal is smoking toddler & smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
20. Smoking 20 cigarettes a day for five years would cost around £8000.
21. All kinds of smoking in the White House are banned.
Source: Media Source
22. An estimated 178,030 women died every year from cigarette smoking.
23. Cigarette butts are one of the biggest causes of pollution on the beaches.
24. Even pets suffer from secondhand smoke. It can cause heart disease or even leukemia in dogs.
Source: Media Source
25. In 1881, James Bonsack invented the cigarette-making machine.
26. The Nicotine in cigarettes makes you feel temporary energized.
27. The senses of smell and taste get a boost when you stop smoking.
Source: Media Source
28. During World War II , Hydrogen Cyanide, which is present in cigarette was used as a genocidal chemical.
29. Smoking leads to tooth loss, tooth staining, gum disease and mouth cancer.
30. Smoking affects the heart and blood vessels which lead to heart attack.
Source: Media Source
31. The smoker has a harder immune system than the nonsmoker.
32. In the United States, Kentucky has the highest rate of smokers.
33. Hon Lik invented the e-cigarette.
Source: Media Source
34. Smoking during pregnancy increases the chances that a baby will be born low weight but highly aggressive.
35. Cigarettes are the number one traded element on the planet.