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January 19, 2018

40 Awesome Stingray Facts

Did you know the Stingray’s color and shape of their body permit them to slip under the sand and become invisible? Check out our range of awesome stingray facts such as their defenses against predators, what they eat, where they live, how many species there are, and much more.

1. The skin of the ray is used as an under layer for the cord on Japanese swords due to its hard skin texture.

2. Stingrays can be found in tropical and subtropical waters.

3. The largest species of stingray measure 6.5 feet in length.

The largest species of stingray measure 6.5 feet in length.
Source: Media Source

4. Stingrays can weigh up to 790 pounds.

5. Stingrays are closely related to sharks.

6. Stingray’s bodies are formed up of the same type of cartilage in our ears and noses.

Stingray’s bodies are formed up of the same type of cartilage in our ears and noses.
Source: Media Source

7. Stingray‘s long tails usually have a spine.

8. Stingrays use their tails to defend them from predators.

9. Greek dentists once used Stingrays as an anesthetic.

Greek dentists once used Stingrays as anesthetic.
Source: Media Source

10. Stingrays eat shrimp, clams, and mussels.

11. Stingrays don’t use their eyes to find prey.

12. Stingrays eyes are on top of their body.

The Stingrays eyes are on top of their body.
Source: Media Source

13. Stingrays are solitary.

14. Steve Irwin, an Australian nature expert lost his life by a stingray’s bite.

15. A group of Stingrays is known as schools.

The groups of Stingrays are known as schools.
Source: Media Source

16. Stingrays belong to a group of fish called Elasmobranchs.

17. Stingrays can live between 15 to 25 years in the wild.

18. Stingrays give birth 2 to 6 babies a year.

Stingrays give birth 2 and 6 babies a year.
Source: Media Source

19. There are many different types of stingrays such as electric rays, stingrays, butterfly rays, manta rays, round rays, guitarfish, and sawfish.

20. Stringrays have a flat body without a bony skeleton, just like sharks.

21. There are around 200 different stingray species.

There are around 200 different stingray species.
Source: Media Source

22. Stingrays use their sensors to sense electrical signals emitted by their prey.

23. Stingrays spent most of their time on ocean floors.

24. The color and shape of their body allow them to slip under the sand and become invisible.

Color and shape of their body permit them to slip under the sand and become invisible.
Source: Media Source

25. Stingrays swim by moving their flippers up and down.

26. Stingrays have gill slides and nostrils on the bottom side of their body.

27. Their mouths are located on the bottom side of their body.

Mouths are located on the bottom side of their body.
Source: Media Source

28. The short-tail stingray is the largest of the stingray species.

29. The common name of Stingrays are Dasyatis pastinaca.

30. Stingrays eat their food by crashing with their powerful jaws.

Stingrays eat their food by crashing with their powerful jaws.
Source: Media Source

31. Stingrays are a type of Fish.

32. Stingrays are a carnivorous animal.

33. Stingrays have been known to store sperm and not give birth until the timing is right.

Stingrays have been known to store sperm and not give birth until the timing is right.
Source: Media Source

34. The life span of stingrays is about 15 – 25 years.

35. The Stingray’s diet consists of a variety of other sea creatures like mollusks, oysters, clams, snails, crabs and other species of fishes.

36. The male southern rays are 2-3 feespine t across. Whereas, females are 4 feet across.

Male southern rays are 2-3 feet across. Whereas, females are 4 feet across.
Source: Media Source

37. Stingrays can feel the electrical currents a fish produces when it swims.

38. Stingrays are commonly eaten in Malaysia and Singapore.

39. Stingrays swim creating wave-like patterns with their bodies.

Stingrays swim in interesting patterns like creating wave-like patterns with their body.
Source: Media Source

40. Stingray venom is fatal to humans.

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