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40 Shocking Earthquake Facts
February 2, 2018

40 Shocking Earthquake Facts

Concerning all natural disasters, earthquakes always remain the least expectable and the most destructive. Explore more surprising facts about the worst, biggest, and most disastrous earthquakes in this list of Earthquake Facts. 1. Earthquakes are a quick and sudden shock
40 Interesting Snake Facts
January 31, 2018

40 Interesting Snake Facts

Snakes are considered as one of the scariest and most aggressive creatures on the planet with 3000 different species. Do you know how to identify which one is worse than the other? Find out in this list of snake facts.
40 Surprising Horse Facts
January 16, 2018

40 Surprising Horse Facts

Did you know that horses can’t vomit? In this list of horse facts, we will go over in detail about the fascinating anatomy, history and more of these beautiful animals. 1. Haflinger was the first ever cloned horse in Italy