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September 12, 2017

40 Interesting Honduras Facts

Honduras is a country that is bordered by Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Honduras and the Gulf of Fonseca, also is the only country to touch four Central America countries borders. Learn other interest Honduras facts in this list.

1. Honduras in the Spanish word means ‘depths’.

2. Honduras is a republic in Central America.

3. Honduras is the second-largest country in Central America.

Honduras is the second-largest country in Central America.
Source: Media Source

4. The population of Honduras is around 8,326,125 in 2017.

5. Honduras has a total area of 112,492 square kilometers.

6. According to the WHO, life expectancy in Honduras is 74.6 years old.

According to the WHO, life expectancy in Honduras is 74.6.
Source: Media Source

7. The official language of Honduras is Spanish.

8. The capital city of Honduras is Tegucigalpa which has an area of 201.5 square kilometers.

9. The Honduran Lempira is the official currency.

The Honduran Lempira is the official currency.
Source: Media Source

10. Christopher Columbus first discovered Honduras in 1502.

11. Honduras is the only country that touches four of the Central America countries.

12. Soccer is the main sport in Honduras.

The first Domino’s in San Pedro Sula opened in 1987.
Source: Media Source

13. The Cathedral in Comayagua, Honduras, is home to the oldest clock in America.

14. Members of the Mara Salvatrucha are covered in Tattoos.

15. Honduran President Ricardo Maduro’ s son was kidnapped and killed by the gang of Mara Salvatrucha in 1997.

The Gang of Mara Salvatrucha is so ruthless, which made El Salvador the murder Capital of the world.
Source: Media Source

16. The international dialing code for Honduras is 00504.

17. The chief religion is Mennonite, Jehovah’s Witness, Roman Catholic, Lutheran & Episcopal.

18. The five stars on the Honduran flag represent the five countries of Central America.

The five stars on the Honduran flag represent the five countries of Central America.
Source: Media Source

19. One of the traditional and most enjoyed events of Honduras is the Sawdust Alfombras of Comayagua.

20. Mara Salvatrucha is a gang and most of its members are from Honduras.

21. There is only one natural lake in Honduras is Lake Yojoa.

There is only one natural lake in Honduras is Lake Yojoa.
Source: Media Source

22. September 15th is celebrated as Independence Day in Honduras.

23. The national flower of Honduras is the Rhyncholaelia digbyana.

24. The national mammal of Honduras is the white-tailed deer.

The national mammal is the white-tailed deer.
Source: Media Source

25. The leading export goods are coffee, bananas, and wood.

26. Honduras became an independent nation in 1821.

27. Honduras have banned child marriage under the age of 18.

Honduras have banned child marriage under the age of 18
Source: Media Source

28. The biggest tourist attraction in Honduras and one of its biggest money makers are the Copan ruins.

29. Honduras was the first country to ban smoking in your own home.

30. Children’s Day in Honduras is known as Dia del Niño and celebrated on September 10th every year.

Children’s Day in Honduras is known as Dia del Nino and celebrated on September 10th every year.
Source: Media Source

31. The highest point in Honduras is Cerro Las Minas at 2,870 m.

32. The Longest River in Honduras is Patuca River.

33. Honduras is the country with the highest murder rate in the world.

Honduras is the country with the highest murder rate in the world.
Source: Media Source

34. Olimpia is one of the most popular soccer clubs in Honduras.

35. The First Cinema in Central America Was in Honduras.

36. The first Domino’s in San Pedro Sula opened in 1987.

The first Domino’s in San Pedro Sula opened in 1987.
Source: Media Source

37. Winston Palacios is one of the successful Honduran footballers and plays soccer for Stoke City in England.

38. The Mara Salvatrucha gang controls broad swaths of territory across the Central America: Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

39. The National Bird of Honduras is the Scarlet Macaw.

The National Bird of Honduras is the Scarlet Macaw.
Source: Media Source

40. 97 percent of Hondurans consider themselves Roman Catholic.

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