Japan is located in northeastern Asia between the North Pacific. Japan is also the only country with a leading Emperor. In Japanese, the word “Japan ” is Nihon or Nippon, which means “Land of the Rising Sun.” Here are 40 interesting japan facts that will blow your mind.
1. Japan is located on the continent of Asia.
2. Japan covers 364,485 sq. kilometers of land.
3. Japan is in the world’s 10th most populous country.
Source: Media Source
4. The Yen is the currency of Japan.
5. Japan is the 62nd largest country in the world.
6. Japan consists of 6,852 islands most of which are made up of mountains and mountain ranges.
Source: Media Source
7. Japan has a moderately high suicide rate in the World.
8. Called “the perfect place to die,” the Aokigahara forest in Japan has the unfortunate distinction of the world’s second most popular place to take one’s life.
9. The capital of the Japan is Tokyo.
Source: Media Source
10. Japan suffers from acid rain due to the gases produced by power plants.
11. Japan suffers about 1500 earthquakes every year because it lies in the volcanic zone.
12. Japanese trains are incredibly punctual.
Source: Media Source
13. They use more paper for comics than for toilet paper in Japan.
14. Tokyo is the largest populated region in the world with 33 million population.
15. Square watermelons are grown in Japan generally intended for space efficiency.
Source: Media Source
16. Japan officially banned dancing after midnight.
17. There is almost no immigration in Japan. The population is 98% ethnic Japanese.
18. Japan is the global robot leader.
Source: Media Source
19. The fastest train of Japan floats on magnetic tracks.
20. Japan is the world’s fourth largest export economy.
21. The green traffic light in Japan is called Ao shingō, or “blue.”
Source: Media Source
22. The national sport of Japan is Sumo.
23. Japan is the world’s largest automobile producer.
24. The world’s largest fish market named Tsukiji is located in Tokyo, the city of Japan.
Source: Media Source
25. It is difficult to find non-smoking areas in Japan’s restaurants.
26. The unemployment rate in Japan is less than 4%.
27. The number of registered pets is more than children’s in Japan.
Source: Media Source
28. Each year 24 billion pairs of chopsticks are used.
29. The official language of Japan is Japanese.
30. Mount Fuji is the highest point in Japan.
Source: Media Source
31. In Japan, 98% of all adoptions were male adults, not children.
32. During WW2 , the number of Chinese killed by the Japanese is greater than the Jews.
33. Kongo Gumi, one of the world oldest company is operated in Japan.
Source: Media Source
34. Japan is the world’s largest consumer of Amazon rain forest timber.
35. Sushi used to be eaten as street food in Japan.
36. There is a highway in Japan that goes through buildings.
Source: Media Source
37. Sleeping on the job is acceptable in Japan.
38. It’s considered inappropriate to blow your nose in public.
39. In Japan, black cats are considered as good luck.
Source: Media Source
40. Japan is currently home to 5.52 million vending machines.