Wine will make you happy, alcohol releases serotonin, dopamine and opioid peptides into your brain. Here are 32 sparkling wine facts that everyone that loves wine should know.
1. France, Italy, Spain and California are the largest producer of wine in the world.
3. Just to assure the guests that the wine is not poisoned, the host (during the time of ancient Greece) would consume the first sip of wine.
3. The risk of heart disease could be reduced by regular intake of wine but pretty moderately.
Source: Media Source
4. Romans first started mixing lead with wine in order to have a sweeter taste and longer preservation.
5. If the wine has been made with the grapes that were picked during a rainstorm, then it will taste dilute.
6. A wine bottle should never be stored in a kitchen or a refrigerator as where the one is too hot, the other is too cold.
10. Harvesting done in a single year produces a typical vintage wine whereas a nonvintage wine is the one which is blended for more than 2 years.
11. This is a myth that all wines improve with time? The fact is that very few would last longer than a decade.
12. Is it pretty easier to differentiate between a European wine and a non-European wine? The one which is named after the geographic locations is the European one while the other one is named after different varieties of grape.
16. The first female organization that was completely devoted to wine was started in 1988 by Italian women. The sole purpose of this organization was increasing the role of women in the Italian wine industry.
17. There are around 2.8 pounds of grapes inside a wine bottle. 60 cases of wine (720 bottles) could be made out of one ton of grapes.
18. If the world’s fruit crop is measured in terms of the acres planted then the number 1 rank would go the wine grapes.
19. Each vineyard and the wine is made unique by the combination of, type of soil, the climate, degree of slope and the particular exposure to the sun.
20. During ancient times, wineskins were the most common way to transport wine.
21. Soy sauce contains 10 times the antioxidants of red wine.