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40 Interesting & Unknown Strawberry Facts
May 4, 2019

40 Interesting & Unknown Strawberry Facts

The strawberry is a beautifully sweet, aromatic, fiber-rich fruit packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Check out our interesting Strawberry Facts including how they grow, what part of the plant they are, what they contain, how we eat them and much
40 interesting & Unknown Avocado Facts
May 4, 2019

40 interesting & Unknown Avocado Facts

Avocados are nutrient-dense fruit loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins A, C, E, and potassium. But, did you know how it prevents liver damage? Read these 40 interesting Avocado Facts to know more about this super food. 1.
40 Interesting & Unknown Banana Facts
May 4, 2019

40 Interesting & Unknown Banana Facts

Today, Banana is the most popular fruit in the world, in fact, every year over 100 billion bananas are eaten around the world. Besides being extremely eaten fruit, Banana has many other things worth knowing. Here are some interesting Banana