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August 25, 2017

40 Unknown Chile Facts

Chile is a country of amazing contrasts and extreme beauty. Chile has an amazing coastline, mountains, awesome icebergs, and inlets. Once you read these unknown Chile Facts, you will definitely want to head there right away!

1. The name of Chile derives from the indigenous Mapuche word Chilli, which means “where the land ends”.

2. Chile has five UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

3. Chile is the world’s longest country from north to south with 2,647 miles long and spreads through 38 degrees of latitude.

Chile is the world’s longest country from north to south with 2,647 miles long and spreads through 38 degrees of latitude - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

4. Chile produces over 1/3 of the world’s copper.

5. The Oldest Mummy in the World is located in Chile.

6. Chile has the world’s biggest swimming pool with a length of 1,000 yards and a maximum depth of 115- feet.

Chile has the world’s biggest swimming pool with a length of 1,000 yards and a maximum depth of 115- feet - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

7. Chile ranks 9th in the world for the production of wine.

8. Chile has one of the longest coastlines in the world.

9. The world’s driest place, the Atacama Desert can be found in Chile.

The world’s driest place Atacama Desert found in the Chile - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

10. The official and unusual name for the Chilean soccer team is the “O’Higgins a Patriot of Chilean Rule.”

11. Chile has the largest library holding 1.8-million books.

12. “Lake Chungara” is the world’s highest lake above sea level found in Chile.

“Lake Chungara” is the world’s highest lake above sea level found in Chile - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

13. In 2007, Valparaiso shot for the Guinness Book of World Records with the largest amount of fireworks exploded in one evening: 16,000.

14. Husbands and wives in Chile do not share a common last name.

15. Pisco is Chile’s national drink.

Pisco is Chile’s national drink - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

16. The largest anthropomorphic figure in the world is also located in Chile at Cerro with 119m height.

17. The biggest earthquake ever recorded on earth in 1900, measuring 9.5 on the Richter scale that killed more than 1500 people and left 2000 homeless was in Chile.

18. Chile has one of the lowest divorce rates globally.

Chile has one of the lowest divorce rates globally - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

19. Chile gained its independence from Spain in 1818.

20. Chile is one of the few countries on Earth that has a government-supported UFO research organization.

21. The first woman president was in Chile and it was Michelle Bachelet Jeria elected in January 2006.

The first woman president ever in Chile was the Michelle Bachelet Jeria elected in January 2006 - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

22. There are no deadly snakes in Chile.

23. Chile is the number-one exporter of Salmon.

24. Chile has one of the highest rate of working hours in the world.

Chile has one of the highest rates of working hours in the world - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

25. The largest city in Chile is Santiago.

26. The population of Chile is around 17,508,260 people.

27. The world’s smallest deer named Pudu is found in Chile.

The world’s smallest deer named Pudu is found in Chile - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

28. Chile’s currency is the Peso.

29. Just behind the Germans, Chileans are the second biggest consumers of bread in the world.

30. Chile is a country with the most active volcanoes.

Chile is one of the country with the most still active volcanoes - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

31. Chile’s oldest national park is Parque National Vicente Perez Rosales, established in 1926.

32. The Copihue a vine from the lily family that produces a red, white, or pink bell-shaped flower is the national flower of Chile.

33. Mataveri airport on Easter Island is the world’s most remote airport, located 3,759 km from Santiago.

Mataveri airport on Easter island is the world’s most remote airport, located 3,759 km from Santiago - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

34. Chile’s highest point is Nevada Ojos Del Salado at 22,572 feet.

35. Chile is home to four species of Penguins including the Southern Rock Hopper Penguin.

36. Chilean Patagonia is one of the cleanest places on the planet.

Chilean Patagonia is one of the cleanest places on the planet - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

37. Gran Torre is the tallest building with a 64-story tall skyscraper in Santiago, Chile.

38. Chile is the only country where abortion is totally banned.

39. South America’s 80% of glaciers are located in Chile.

South America’s 80% of the glaciers located in Chile - Serious Facts
Source: Media Source

40. After Easter’s first Sunday, Chileans celebrate a unique ritual known as Cuasimodo.

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