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January 19, 2018

40 Interesting Cocaine Facts

From the effects caused to your body it’s origin and history, learn more about when to identify signs of cocaine addiction, withdrawal symptoms and the top countries that consume this famous drug in this list of cocaine facts.

1. Cocaine is the world’s second most trafficked illegal drug.

2. Cocaine is the second most commonly used illegal drug in Europe, according to the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction.

3. Sharing straws used to breathe cocaine can spread blood diseases like Hepatitis C.

Sharing straws used to breathe cocaine can spread blood diseases like Hepatitis C (disease of the Liver).
Source: Media Source

4. A mixture of heroin with cocaine makes one of the deadliest forms of cocaine.

5. Cocaine often contains adulterants which can be highly toxic.

6. Continuous use of cocaine can cause long-term damage to the nose.

Closeup portrait of red eyed man holding tissue to his nose
Source: Media Source

7. A cocaine user’s heart attack risk is almost 24 times greater in the first hour after cocaine use.

8. After heroin, cocaine is second in terms of dependence and physical harm.

9. Regular use of cocaine can reduce the sense of smell named anosmia.

Regular use of cocaine can reduce one’s sense of smell namely anosmia.
Source: Media Source

10. Scotland has the highest cocaine compared to any other country in the world.

11. Cocaine is the most influential central nervous tonic found in nature.

12. A mixture of cocaine and heroin is called speedball.

A mixture of cocaine and heroin is called speedball.
Source: Media Source

13. Cocaine creates feelings of self-confidence, alertness, energy and even power.

14. The word “crack” cocaine derived from the “crackling” sound that is formed when impure cocaine is heated.

15. The Inca civilization in the Andes Mountains, believed cocaine was a gift from the gods.

Inca civilization, in the Andes Mountains, believed the cocaine was a gift from the gods.
Source: Media Source

16. Pure cocaine was first extracted from the leaves of the coca plant in 1859.

17. Pure cocaine was first marketed in France as early as 1863.

18. Cocaine was first used in the U.S. in 1880.

Cocaine was first used in the U.S. in 1880.
Source: Media Source

19. Cocaine is about $150 per pure gram in the United States.

20. Other popular street names of cocaine are coke, snow, lady, flake, gold dust, freebase, and crack.

21. Cocaine hydrochloride was the main active ingredient in several tonics and elixirs produced for a variety of illnesses.

Cocaine hydrochloride was the main active ingredient in several tonics and elixirs produced for a variety of illnesses.
Source: Media Source

22. Chronic cocaine use can cause a condition called Bruxism.

23. In the early 1900s, cocaine was used as a painkiller for its healing properties like reducing swelling, strengthening of broken bones etc.

24. Coca-Cola originally contained an estimated of nine milligrams of cocaine per serving, but it has been banned since 1903.

Coca-Cola originally contained an estimated nine milligrams of cocaine per serving, but it has been banned since 1903.
Source: Media Source

25. Cocaine is also known as the rich man’s drug.

26. Men are more likely to use cocaine than women.

27. Each year in the U.S, more than 400,000 babies are born addicted to cocaine.

Each year in the U.S, more than 400,000 babies are born addicted to cocaine.
Source: Media Source

28. Cocaine causes three times more deaths than any other illegal drug.

29. Cocaine is the second most commonly used illicit drug in the US, after marijuana.

30. Every day, 2,500 Americans try cocaine for the first time.

Every day, 2,500 Americans try cocaine for the first time.
Source: Media Source

31. The most addictive form of cocaine is crack.

32. Writer Stephen King was addicted to cocaine between 1979 and 1987.

33. According to research, cocaine impairs immune cell function and promotes reproduction of the HIV virus.

After marijuana, cocaine is the second most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.
Source: Media Source

34. The most common way of consuming cocaine is sniffing or snorting.

35. Behavioral therapy is used to treat cocaine addiction.

36. Sigmund Freud recommended Cocaine as the treatment for depression, alcoholism, and morphine addiction.

Sigmund Freud recommended Cocaine as the treatment for depression, alcoholism, and morphine addiction.
Source: Media Source

37. Cocaine is also called nose candy, white lady, Stardust, and Charlie.

38. Between 14 and 21 million people use Cocaine each year.

39. It takes 500 kilos of coca leaves to produce one kilo of cocaine.

It takes 500 kilos of coca leaves to produce one kilo of cocaine.
Source: Media Source

40. In 2010, 85% of the arrested crack smokers were black men.

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