Water (H2O) is the most important element of Life, without water the human race could not survive. Read more about this natural substance on the list of 40 interesting Water Facts.
1. When water contains a lot of calcium and magnesium, it is called hard water.
2. Water dissolves more than any other substances.
3. Water covers 70.9 percent of the planet’s surface.
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4. Up to sixty percent of the human adult body is water.
5. Non-portable water kills two hundred children every hour.
6. Twenty percent of the unfrozen fresh water in the world is located in Russia ‘s Lake Baikal.
Source: Media Source
7. To assemble a new car, 13,737 to 21,926 gallons of water is used.
8. Approximately 27 trillion gallons of groundwater are withdrawn for use in the U.S.
9. There is more water in the atmosphere than in all of our rivers combined.
Source: Media Source
10. There are about 1 million miles of water pipelines in Canada and U.S.
11. The expiration date on water bottles is in the bottle, not the water.
12. Sixty percent of freshwater withdrawals in China are used for agriculture.
Source: Media Source
13. Seventy percent of the human brain contains water.
14. Seven percent of the Earth ’s fresh water is surrounded by Glaciers.
15. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7, which is neither basic nor acidic.
Source: Media Source
16. Over ninety percent of the world’s supply of fresh water is located in Antarctica .
17. Only one percent of the World’s Water Is Drinkable.
18. Oceans store most of the Earth’s water.
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19. Ninety-seven percent of the water on Earth is salt water.
20. Near about 3.4 million people die each year from water-related causes.
21. More than half of the water is used in the bathroom.
Source: Media Source
22. Less than one percent of the water supply on Earth can be used as potable water.
23. Human bones are made of 31% of water.
24. Hollowed logs were used to make the first water pipes.
Source: Media Source
25. Health authorities commonly recommend eight ounces of water each day.
26. Forty billion hours are used up gathering water in Africa alone.
27. To create one pint of beer, it takes twenty gallons of water.
Source: Media Source
28. Drinking too much water can be fatal and known as water intoxication.
29. Cold Water is heavier than hot Water.
30. Bottled water can be 2000 times more expensive than tap water.
Source: Media Source
31. To make one pound of chocolate 3,170 gallons of water is used.
32. Around 700 million people in 43 countries suffer today from water scarcity.
33. An acre of corn will give off 4,000 gallons of water in evaporation per day.
Source: Media Source
34. Ice is lighter than water, which is why ice floats on water.
35. Almost 400 billion gallons of water are used in the United States per day.
36. Giraffes are one of the animals that can go the longest without drinking water.
Source: Media Source
37. A swimming pool naturally loses about 1,000 gallons to evaporation.
38. A small drip from a faucet can waste 34 gallons to 128 liters of water a day.
39. A person can live about a month without food, but only about a week without water.
Source: Media Source
40. A cucumber and a jellyfish contain 95% of water.