Delicious, egg-shaped exotic passion fruit is very popular fruit in the world due to a rich source of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. The passion fruit has many other surprising numbers of
facts, to learn more, have a look at the 40 Interesting Passion Fruit Facts.
1. Its name comes from a family of passion flowers (passiflora).
2. In Indonesia, there are two types of passion fruit, white flesh, and yellow flesh.
3. The passion fruit is native to southern Brazil.
10. A flavored soft drink called Passiona made up from Passion fruit has also been manufactured in Australia in 1920.
11. Passion fruit is a good source of vitamins B nutrients, especially fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C.
12. Passion fruit health benefits include providing essential nutrients to the body, supporting the body immune system, support digestion and reduces bad cholesterol.
31. In India, the government of Andhra Pradesh started growing passion fruit vines in the Chintapalli forests.
32. The five petals of passion fruit represented the disciples, the corona symbolizes the crown of horns around Christ’s head, and other features were symbols of the wounds, nails, and whips used on Christ.
33. In Australia and New Zealand, passion fruit is available commercially both fresh and tinned.
37. The purple passion fruit is known to contain about 35% more juice than the yellow passion fruit.
38. Around 1700, the name was given by missionaries in Brazil.
39. Purple passion fruit reduced cardiovascular risk factors, according to a study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.