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May 4, 2019

40 interesting & Unknown Avocado Facts

Avocados are nutrient-dense fruit loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins A, C, E, and potassium. But, did you know how it prevents liver damage? Read these 40 interesting Avocado Facts to know more about this super food.

1. The word “Avocado” is derived from the Aztec word “ahuacatl,” meaning testicle.

2. Avocados only contain 7 mg of sodium per 100 grams.

3.  Due to the high nutrient density of compounds, it prevents liver damage.

Avocados are great for preventing liver damage due to the nutrient density of its compounds.
Source: Media Source

4. Its high levels of potassium help in maintaining kidney function.

5. The earliest use of avocado found by archaeologists dates back to 7,000 years B.C in Peru.

6. Avocado seeds have been found buried with Incan mummies dating back as far a 750 B.C.

Avocado seeds have been found buried with Incan mummies dating back as far a 750 B.C.
Source: Media Source

7. The first Europeans to eat Avocados were the Spanish Conquistadors in the 16th Century.

8. The Irish naturalist Sir Hans Sloane is credited with associating the word “avocado” way back in the late 17th Century.

9. Avocado cultivation in Florida didn’t start until 1833.

Avocado cultivation in Florida didn’t start until 1833
Source: Media Source

10. Prior to 1915, the Avocado was referred to as “alligator pear”.

11. The top 3 largest exporters of Avocados are Mexico, Dominican Republic, and Colombia.

12. Most of Colombia’s Avocados are shipped to the EU.

Most of Colombia’s avocados are shipped to the EU.
Source: Media Source

13. Guacamole, a Mexican food is made of avocados.

14. Avocados are called “Butter Pears” in India and China.

15. 150 grams of Avocado provides around 40% of dietary fiber per day.

150 grams of avocado provides around 40% of dietary fibre per day.
Source: Media Source

16. There are over 500 varieties of Avocado grown around the world.

17. Avocado is native to South Central America.

18. Avocado trees can sometimes live up to 400 years or more in Mexico.

Avocado trees can sometimes live up to 400 years or more in Mexico.
Source: Media Source

19. It’s botanically classified as a member of the Lauraceae plant family.

20. An Avocado tree can grow as high as 65 to 70 feet.

21. The tree has both male and female flowers, to avoid self-pollination, they grow at different times. This phenomenon is called “Dichogamy”.

The tree has both male and female flowers, to avoid self pollination, they grow at different times and pollinate with the tree close by. This phenomenon is called “Dichogamy”.
Source: Media Source

22.  Avocado oil has the highest smoke point of 520 degrees F.

23. Avocados are being used by some as ring boxes to propose to their partner.

24. The leaf of the Avocado tree is used in Mexico to brew medicinal tea.

The leaf of the avocado tree is used in Mexico to brew medicinal tea.
Source: Media Source

25. In 1950, Avocado-colored bathrooms became very popular.

26. Avocado grows in tropical and subtropical areas that provide enough sunlight and humidity.

27. The Avocado tree produces an oval or egg-shaped fruit that has a fleshy structure and large seed in the middle.

Avocado tree produces oval or egg-shaped fruit that has fleshy structure and large seed in the middle.
Source: Media Source

28. Avocado is also known as “alligator pear” because of its pear-like shape and rough texture of the skin.

29. Avocado is a rich source of fats, vitamin C and vitamins of the B group, minerals and fibers.

30. Hass is the most popular and the most consumed type of Avocado.

Hass is the most popular and the most consumed type of avocado.
Source: Media Source

31. Avocados are a fruit, not a vegetable.

32. Avocado helps in keeping eyes healthy and protecting the skin from signs of aging and the harmful effects of UV rays.

33. The avocado consists of 73% water, 15% fat, 8.5% carbohydrates (mostly fibers) and 2% protein.

The avocado consists of 73% water, 15% fat, 8.5% carbohydrates (mostly fibers) and 2% protein.
Source: Media Source

34. According to the Guinness World Records, the world’s heaviest Avocado is an Avocado grown by Gabriel Ramirez Nahim, of Venezuela.

35. Brazilians like to add Avocados to not only sandwiches and salads, but also to ice cream.

36. Spain is the only European country that produces Avocados.

Spain is the only European country that produces avocados.
Source: Media Source

37. A favorite dish in Chile is a hot dog topped with sauerkraut, mayonnaise, and Avocado.

38. In the United States, the Chipotle restaurant chain uses 97,000 pounds of Avocados per day.

39. It takes about 220 gallons of water to grow one large Avocado.

It takes about 220 gallons of water to grow one large avocado.
Source: Media Source

40. Avocados contain persin, which is toxic to horses.

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